Tuesday 8 November 2011


                                                             Sleep well, live well

1.Sound sleep, Sleepless nights, and Causes of insomnia

2.Some tips to sleep well, and Best sleep position

A good night's sleep is very essential for your good health. If you sleep well, it will help you live well. Most of us on average, 90 minutes less sleep than people did a hundred years ago. Lack of sleep takes its toll on health and overall well-being. Everyone should realize importance of sound health and sufferings from sleepless nights.

Sound sleep always lends you a hand

If you get enough sleep you will feel better and be more productive. Everyone can benefit from better sleep habits. Getting sound sleep you can avoid depression, tiredness, insomnia and other problems. Occasional sleepless nights are normal. That is especially true if you are experiencing unusual stress at workplace or home. But do not wait for having insomnia.

Sleepless nights always hold you back

Chronic sleep problems have been associated with a wide range of serious health consequences, including increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, obesity and heart attacks. People who suffer from chronic sleeplessness are less productive and more likely to be injured than their well-rested counterparts. If your sleepless nights turn over to insomnia and if it begins to affect your waking hours, talk to your doctor. The sooner you treat insomnia, the less likely it is to become a chronic problem.

Causes of insomnia

Insomnia usually occurs along with these problems:

• Depression

• Gastro esophageal reflux disease

• Chronic pain

• Other conditions that are all linked to greater risk of insomnia


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